17 décembre 2024 : Webinaire de la Direction générale du Manitoba : Régulation du débit de l'eau dans le bassin versant de la rivière Winnipeg
Time: Tuesday, December 17, 2024 12pm – 1 pm CDT
Speaker: Gail Faveri
Topic: Water Flow Regulation in the Winnipeg River Watershed
The regulated flows of the Winnipeg River are essential to balancing ecological health and diverse stakeholder needs across its extensive watershed. This talk will explore the roles of the International Joint Commission in managing Rainy and Namakan Lakes and the Lake of the Woods Control Board’s regulation of Lake of the Woods, Lake St. Joseph, Lac Seul, and the English River tributary. Highlighting the complexities of regulation, it will address considerations such as forecast inflows, flood mitigation, hydropower in Manitoba, Minnesota, and Ontario, and the needs of First Nations and Métis peoples, wildlife, wild rice, and cottage owners.
Cet événement fait partie d'une série de six webinaires organisés par la section manitobaine de l'ACRH. Vous pouvez vous inscrire à un ou plusieurs webinaires individuels ou à la série complète de webinaires ci-dessous.
The Manitoba Branch Webinar Series is sponsored by Hatch Ltd.