14 janvier 2025 : Branche SK : Renforcer la résilience face aux changements climatiques en Saskatchewan

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Nom du présentateur : Virginia Wittrock

Date : Jan 14, 2025 12PM CST

Title of Presentation: Building Resilience to a Changing Climate in Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan residents are used to having to deal with four seasons and temperatures that range from -40 to +40C and a wide variety of precipitation types and other weather conditions.

What has been noticed over the last 25 years or so is the number of extreme weather events have been increasing in frequency and intensity. Saskatchewan communities / businesses / government have reacted to the extreme events with stereotypical Saskatchewan tenacity but there have been events in recent years that have tested our resiliency. Our knowledge of how our infrastructure is able to be resilient to these extreme weather events may require a “plan b”.

This presentation will provide examples of how various sectors have increased their resiliency/knowledge and what has worked, and also what hasn’t worked. Understanding the pros and cons of historic risk management strategies increases our resiliency to our changing climate.

CWRA Saskatchewan is pleased to offer the 2024-2025 Webinar Series at a sliding scale fee! All proceeds will go towards Project WET Canada.