May 13, 2021 11:30 PT: BC Branch 2021 AGM and Featured Presentation

 In Archived AGM, Archived BC, Archived Event, Archived Online

The BC Branch will hold its annual AGM on May 13, 2021 at 11:30 AM PT. All BC CWRA members are invited to attend to learn about branch activities, meet the branch directors, and learn about ways to get more involved with the Branch.

Featured Presentation – Richards Street neighborhood scale installation of Rainwater System
Date – Thursday, May 13, 2021
Time – 11:30 am – 12:30 pm PDT

At the start of the event, Heidi Horlacher and Alicia Kingdon from the City of Vancouver’s Engineeering Department will share work on the Rain City Strategy, climate adaptation and green infrastructure within the City. The presentation will focus on the Richards Street neighborhood scale installation of the Rainwater System, implementation challenges and lessons learned.

Heidi Horlacher is the Senior Water Resources Specialist for the Green Infrastructure Implementation Branch in the City of Vancouver’s Engineering Department. She leads the Streets and Public Spaces Action Plan for the Rain City Strategy, the City’s award winning 30 year plan that aims to embrace Vancouver’s rainwater as a valued resource for our communities and natural ecosystems. Prior to her current role, Heidi held positions related to contaminated sites at both the City and in consulting, and served as the local government board appointee for the Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals Society. Heidi is an EGBC registered Professional Geoscientist, and a Project Management Professional.

Alicia Kingdon is a member of the Green Infrastructure Implementation Branch’s Design Team in the City of Vancouver’s Engineering Department. She assists the team with the design and implementation of the City’s newly constructed green rainwater infrastructure assets. Prior to joining the City, Alicia worked as an urban planner in Toronto and holds Master’s degrees in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.

Please email if you need the registration information for the BC Branch AGM.