May 30, 2024: 12-1:30 PM PST: BC Branch 2024 AGM & Presentation on BC’s new Flood Strategy
Come out to the BC Branch AGM! We will start with a talk from provincial representatives about the BC Flood Strategy, followed by our business meeting.
Date: May 30, 2024
Time: 12 – 1:30 PM PST
As the flood risks to British Columbians are substantial and continue to grow due to land use pressures and climate change, a comprehensive flood strategy will better prepare the province for future flood events.
Future proofing our ability to respond to crises, adapting to climate change, and meaningful Indigenous reconciliation are strong policy drivers, requiring new, modern approaches to flood management that better serve the needs of the people.
A coherent, strategic vision for flood management increases flood resilience for all British Columbians. This strategic vision clearly defines what needs to be done and how it can be achieved over time. It is built on what the provincial government has learned at multiple engagement events related to flood management, disaster risk management, climate change, and resource stewardship forums.