BC: Climate Change and its Effect on our Communities

 In Archived BC, Archived Event, Archived Workshops

DATE: Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

VENUE: Mountain Room, Thompson River University, Kamloops, BC

The Canadian Water Resources Association is hosting a Full Day Workshop focused on discussions on how climate change is impacting us and our communities. Sessions and discussions will be focused on how professionals have accounted climate change as part of their design. The workshop will be followed by an informal networking event hosted by the Students and Young Professional Group.

The event is hosted at the Mountain Room at Thompson River University in Kamloops, BC. Lunch + Refreshments/Snacks will be provided at the workshop.

Keynote speakers include Mike Sullivan from the BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and Tina Neale from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. This is in addition to professional experts in Climate Change.

Thanks to our Platinum Sponsors – Hatch and McElhanney, and Gold Sponsor – Kerr Wood Leidal, Associated Engineering, Wood, and Hoskin Scientific.


  • CWRA Members: $85
  • Students and Young Professionals: $45
  • Non-Members and Walk-Ins: $125

Click Here [cwra.us12.list-manage.com] for more information or to register now.