2025 Student Paper and Poster Awards

Students are encouraged to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentations at the 2025 National Conference. **Students whose abstracts are selected for oral or poster presentations are eligible to enter the 2025 CSHS Student Paper Awards and/or the 2025 Hoskin Scientific Poster Award.

More information about the application process for the 2025 Student Paper and Poster Awards will be made available in January 2025. The deadline for application is anticipated for April 2025. N0te: CSHS has updated the instructions for the preparation of the paper since 2022, so please review the updated instructions for the Student Paper Awards.

Hoskin Scientific and CSHS are happy to announce that the values of the Student Paper and Student Poster awards have increased for 2024.


Meet the 2024 Student Award Recipients

The winners of the 2024 Awards were notified in April and were announced at the National Conference in June 2024. You can read more about each student and their work online now.

CWRA National Awards

National Distinguished Service Award


The National Distinguished Service Award is presented to a CWRA member or past member who has provided distinguished service to or in the Canadian water resource community. Criteria includes, but is not limited to, the recognition of the individual from more than one area, long and distinguished service to CWRA, participation on the national stage, specific initiatives, particular scientific achievements, outstanding success in a water resource field.

SYP Award


The CWRA Student and Young Professional (SYP) Award recognizes exemplary contributions to CWRA by a student or young professional. This award is intended to honour the individuals who go beyond the ordinary scope of work to contribute time and effort in support of CWRA SYP activities locally and/or nationally, therefore raising the overall general awareness of both CWRA and SYP. Nominations by Branch Presidents should be submitted to the Awards Committee for the annual CWRA National Conference for evaluation and selection of a winner.

Hoskin Scientific Student Poster Award


For over seventy years, Hoskin Scientific has been a supplier of testing and monitoring instrumentation to the Canadian market. With offices in Vancouver, Burlington, and Montreal, Hoskin customers are able to receive local sales and technical support in our three major departments: Environmental; Materials Testing; and Instrumentation. This award is presented annually at the CWRA National Conference to the student whose poster is chosen as the Best Student Poster at the conference.


Bill Stolte and Ric Soulis CSHS Student Paper Awards


Bill Stolte was a Professor at the University of Saskatchewan and a long-standing member of the CWRA. He contributed at both the Provincial and National levels and was an active member of the Canadian Society of Hydrological Sciences (CSHS). Professor Stolte was a teacher, supervisor and mentor with a keen interest in promoting student participation in the CWRA.

Professor Eric D. (‘Ric’) Soulis, Ph.D., P.Eng., was a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo and an active participant in the Canadian hydrological research community for more than thirty years. At Waterloo, he was a popular teacher and mentor and enthusiastically contributed to the success of both his students and his peers, many of whom went on to populate the CSHS executive committee over the years.

Two student paper awards are awarded at the annual CWRA conference. The prize for the best student paper and presentation is the CSHS Professor Bill Stolte Student Paper Award and is valued at $1500. The prize for the second best student paper and presentation is the CSHS Professor Ric Soulis Student Paper Award and is valued at $1000. The criteria and application process for both awards are the same and students only need to submit one application to be eligible for either award.

Awards Presented in Previous Years

Our Water Our Life: The Most Valuable Resource

In 2011, the Newfoundland and Labrador Branch of the CWRA hosted the 64th CWRA National Conference in St. John’s with the theme Our Water – Our Life – The Most Valuable Resource. To recognize the importance of the younger generation and their involvement in effective water resources management, four student awards were founded by Conference Chair Dr. Abdel-Zaher Kamal Abdel-Razek and presented at the 2011 Conference. In 2013, one ongoing student award was established with the financial and organizational support of the CWRA Newfoundland and Labrador Branch, and is presented annually to recognize excellence of a student presentation at the CWRA National Conference. Students applying for this award must be enrolled full-time at a postsecondary or graduate program at the time the application is submitted.


The Canadian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (CANCID) organizes four awards, each presented by CANCID at the annual CWRA National Conference.

  • The Environment and Water Management Award is awarded to a person who has made an exceptional contribution in the field of agricultural water management for environmental sustainability.
  • The Land Resources Management Award is given to an individual who made an outstanding contribution in the land resources management field.
  • The International Award is for an outstanding contribution to international development and/or corporation between Canada and other countries.
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution over a lifetime of service to CANCID.

Project WET Canada Award

The Project WET Canada Award recognizes exemplary contributions to the Project WET Canada program. This award is prompted by the Project WET Canada program and the desire to honour the individuals who are contributing to the accomplishments of Project WET. The recipient for this award goes beyond the ordinary scope of work to contribute time and energy for the Project WET program, promoting it in all aspects of their lives. The Project WET Committee will decide each year if this award will be presented.

CWRA Water Management Award of Excellence

The CWRA Water Management Award recognizes CWRA members and their organizations for outstanding projects that make a significant contribution to the protection and management of Canada’s water resources. The award is open to any study or project that has demonstrated a commitment and innovation in the protection and wise management of Canada’s water, however, projects must be located in the host province for the National Conference. If the project is a watershed-related study that crosses provincial boundaries, the project proponent/owner must be in the host province.


Please contact us at the link below if you have questions on the awards application or selection process.