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Welcome to the Saskatchewan Branch site!
The Saskatchewan Branch of CWRA has been active since 1947. The board of directors is a group of volunteers and professionals working in various aspects of water resources across the province, including government agencies and crown corporations, non-government agencies, consultancies, and universities.
Saskatchewan has just opened registration for their 2023-2024 webinar series and we invite everyone to “Join us on your lunch break from the comfort of your desk chair whether you are working from home this year, or back at the office!”. Webinars can be purchased individually or as a package, and all proceeds are directed towards Project WET activities in the province. Speaker and registration details are in our events section, and on the CWRA events page.
Saskatchewan Branch Board of Directors, 2022-2023
Branch Executive
President: Serena Ward
Vice President: Russel Boals
Secretary: Brad Uhrich
Treasurer: Curtis Halborg
Past President: Bob Halliday
CWRA National Board Representatives
- Bob Halliday
- Ryan Karsgaard
- Serena Ward
- Jaylyn Obrigewitsch
- Ed Dean
- Rachel Weller
Branch Directors
- Brian Abrahamson (CANCID Liason)
- Jillian Brown
- Russell Boals (Vice President & Project WET Liason)
- Lakshmin Bachu
- Bruce Davison
- Ed Dean (National Treasurer & Project WET Liaison)
- Chris DeBeer
- Dirk de Boer
- Danielle Gross
- Curtis Hallborg (Branch Treasurer)
- Bob Halliday (National Director & Branch Past-President)
- Jaime Hogan
- Ryan Karsgaard (National Director)
- Jaylyn Obrigewitsch (National Director)
- David Pattyson
- Laurie Tollefson
- Brad Uhrich (Branch Secretary)
- Serena Ward (Branch President & National Director)
- Rob Wiebe
- Virginia Wittrock (Branch Communications Liaison)
- Rachel Weller (National Communications Representative & CSHS Liason)
- Joanna Li Yung Lung (SYP Liason)
Project WET
- Leah Japp- General Manager
- Maxine Koskie- National Education Coordinator
Saskatchewan Events
2023-2024 SK Branch Webinar Series
Title: Water Security Agency Geohub Portal
Speaker: Dave MacDonald, Water Security Agency
Date: October 10, 2023, 12 PM
More information is available here
Title: Bridging the Gap project
Speaker: Margot A. Hurlbert, University of Regina
Date: November 14, 2023
More information is available here
Title: Lebret flood mapping project
Speaker: Daryl Brown, Associated Engineering
Date: December 12, 2023
More information is available here
Title: Synthesis of Water Quality Research in the Qu’Appelle River Watershed
Speaker: Heather Sauer and David Vandergucht, Water Security Agency
Date: January 9, 2024
More information is available here
Title: Water Security Agency Flexible Allocation Irrigation Pilot Project
Speaker: Joel Peru, Water Security Agency
Date: February 13, 2024
More information is available here
Title: Global Precipitation Monitoring from‘s Bespoke Satellite Constellation
Speaker: Greg Porter,
Date: Cancelled
Title: Saskatchewan Closed-basin lakes flood return period modelling study
Speaker: Dr. Dave Sauchyn, PARC, and Dr. Kevin Shook
Date: April 9, 2023
More information is available here
Title: Planets global daily scanning satellite constellation to support global sustainability efforts
Speaker: Cassidy Rankine, PhD
Date: May 14, 2024
More information is available here
For a full listing of CWRA events across Canada, please visit our events page.
Upcoming Events
Student and Young Professional Groups in Saskatchewan
Are you a student or young professional in water resources who is interested in meeting and collaborating with like-minded peers? We are looking for eager volunteers to help kick start an SYP chapter in our province! If you are interested in becoming involved, please get in touch with us at
A full list of active SYP chapters in CWRA National is on our SYP Page.
Ottawa Blue Drinks
Toronto Blue Drinks
Join the Blue Drinks Ottawa Mailing list by emailing us at
Follow us on Facebook for event updates:
Follow us on Twitter @BlueDrinksOtt!
Ontario Branch Mentoring Program
Program Goals:
The CWRA Ontario Branch Mentorship Program is intended to provide value to newer members of the CWRA, increase professional engagement in water management activities and in CWRA activities, and build long term connections among members of CWRA. The program allows for the transfer of information among generations of professionals in water resources. The Ontario mentorship program is affiliated with national CWRA mentorship activities.
The mentorship program is currently between sessions. Applications for the 2020-2021 session will open in the early fall. Information about the 2019-2020 session is available here.
If you are looking for mentorship but are not in Ontario, please get in touch with the Ontario Mentorship Program by email and they can refer you to a local branch for mentoring options.
Branch Library
The Ontario Branch of CWRA offers a variety of opportunities for people to become engaged and involved in water resource management in Ontario. If you are curious about CWRA, subscribe to our newsletter to hear about upcoming events that will give you a chance to meet other CWRA members and water professionals. You can see past mailings here.
Membership to the CWRA is not required to join our branch mailing list, but to receive the full benefit of CWRA offerings – including event discounts – we encourage everyone to join up.
If you want to get more involved, you can ask about volunteering at future events, including workshops, networking, SYP, mentoring, and virtual events. For more information please contact one of the Executive Committee members at
Subscription Form for the CWRA Ontario Branch Newsletter: