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Call for Reviewers: Federally Identified Flood Hazard Areas (FIFRA) Data Layer
The Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA), on behalf of Public Safety Canada (PS), is seeking subject matter experts to conduct a technical review of the Federally Identified Flood Risk Areas (FIFRA) data layer.
Since 2020, PS has been evaluating and operationalizing Canada-wide flood hazard modelling (also known as ‘global’ flood hazard modelling) to conduct Canada-wide estimates of flood hazard and financial flood risk. PS is developing a policy program to allow for flood hazard screening of new federal investments, the FIFRA. The FIFRA includes a data layer and a guideline. The data layer will be publicly viewable and identifies flood hazard ratings ranging from Low to Extreme and flood types across Canada. The Guideline will outline appropriate mitigation conditions based on FIFRA ratings and provide risk tolerances for federal investments at risk of flooding.
The FIFRA data layer is a probabilistic classification that categorizes flood depth and likelihood from multiple scenarios into one rating per location for communication and screening. The FIFRA data layer is based on an underlying licensed global flood hazard model and was developed by PS through reanalysis. The reanalysis considers risk tolerances and data uncertainty in the development of the flood hazard ratings for the FIFRA data layer. Due to the accuracy and resolution of the underlying flood hazard model, the FIFRA data layer is suitable for screening and public communication, but not engineering design or site-specific assessment.
***We are seeking professionals with expertise in:
- Flood hazard modelling and mapping, particularly multi-scenario analysis
- Creating probabilistic flood hazard ratings
- Working with national-scale or global flood modeling
- Mapping pluvial flood risk
Candidates should have a strong background in water resource management and technical analysis related to flood hazards.
To express your interest, please email – with header: “LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME: Application for FIFRA Reviewer” – a one-page summary of your relevant experience and skills by February 9, 2025 to:
Samantha Lau
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Successful applicants will receive a stipend for their work. Participants will review background and methodological documentation, as well as attend up to three meetings, The total time commitment is estimated to be up to twelve hours, with anticipated completion in April.
Join us in supporting this important initiative to enhance flood risk awareness across Canada!
Appel à réviseurs : Couche de données des Zones à Risque d’Inondation Identifiées par le Gouvernement Fédéral (ZRIIGF)
Appel à réviseurs : Couche de données des Zones à Risque d’Inondation Identifiées par le Gouvernement Fédéral (ZRIIGF)
Depuis 2020, SP évalue et met en œuvre une modélisation des risques d’inondation à l’échelle du Canada (également appelée modélisation ‘globale’ des risques d’inondation) afin de produire des estimations nationales des risques financiers et des impacts des inondations. SP élabore un programme politique permettant l’évaluation des risques d’inondation pour les nouveaux investissements fédéraux, à travers le projet ZRIIGF. Le ZRIIGF comprend une couche de données et des lignes directrices. La couche de données, accessible au public, identifie les niveaux de risque d’inondation, allant de faible à extrême, ainsi que les types d’inondations à travers le Canada. Les lignes directrices les conditions d’atténuation appropriées en fonction des classifications ZRIIGF et établira des seuils de tolérance au risque pour les investissements fédéraux exposés aux inondations.
La couche de données ZRIIGF est une classification probabiliste qui regroupe la profondeur et la probabilité des inondations selon plusieurs scénarios en une seule évaluation par emplacement, facilitant ainsi la communication et l’évaluation des risques. Cette couche de données repose sur un modèle sous-jacent de risques d’inondation global sous licence et a été développée par SP grâce à une réanalyse. Cette réanalyse tient compte des tolérances au risque et des incertitudes liées aux données pour établir les classifications des risques d’inondation dans la couche ZRIIGF.
En raison de la précision et de la résolution du modèle sous-jacent de risques d’inondation, la couche de données ZRIIGF est appropriée pour la communication publique et l’évaluation des risques, mais ne convient pas pour la conception technique ou l’évaluation spécifique à un site.
***Nous recherchons des professionnels ayant une expertise dans les domaines suivants :
- Modélisation et cartographie des risques d’inondation, en particulier l’analyse multi-scénarios
- Création d’évaluations probabilistes des risques d’inondation
- Travail avec la modélisation des inondations à l’échelle nationale ou mondiale
- Cartographie des risques d’inondation pluviale
Les candidats doivent posséder une solide expérience en gestion des ressources hydriques et en analyse technique liée aux risques d’inondation.
Pour manifester votre intérêt, veuillez envoyer par courriel, avec l’objet : « NOM, PRÉNOM : Candidature pour le poste de réviseur ZRIIGF », un résumé d’une page de votre expérience et de vos compétences pertinentes d’ici le 9 février 2025 à :
Samantha Lau
Les candidatures seront examinées au fur et à mesure, et seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés. Les candidats retenus recevront une compensation pour leur travail. Les participants examineront la documentation contextuelle et méthodologique, et assisteront à un maximum de trois réunions. L’engagement total en termes de temps est estimé à douze heures, avec une fin prévue en avril 2025.
Rejoignez-nous pour soutenir cette initiative importante visant à renforcer la sensibilisation aux risques d’inondation à travers le Canada !
Positions: Hydrogeological Data Analyst
Location: Regina, SK or Winnipeg, MB
Type: Student term contract
Duration: 1-year
This student will compile transboundary groundwater data from multiple sources and identify source aquifers to support the identification of aquifer risks. The main duties will include:
- compiling and analyzing hydrogeologic and groundwater related data for multiple provinces (primary sources are the SK Research Council data, 2004&2005)
- creating digital GIS maps of key hydrostratigraphic units in the Prairie region
- assessing patterns of groundwater use in major aquifers
- developing a gap analysis report
- preparing other written materials such as technical reports and presentations
The successful candidate will report to a senior water resource engineer and will work closely with a groundwater technical committee.

Positions: Source Water Hydrogeologist
Location: Cambridge, ON
Grand River Conservation Authority is seeking a Source Water Hydrogeologist to apply their expertise in groundwater studies and project management to ongoing drinking water source protection projects within the Lake Erie Source Protection Region. This role will primarily support the Source Protection Program Manager by facilitating, coordinating, and reviewing technical work related to Assessment Report and Source Protection Plan updates. Primary duties include:
- Coordinate with conservation authorities, municipalities, and provincial stakeholders on drinking water source protection studies to support amendments under the Clean Water Act, 2006 (Sections 34 & 36).
- Review and prepare notices for municipal drinking water system owners under Section 48.
- Update Assessment Reports with technical content, including wellhead protection areas, vulnerability scoring, threats enumerations, and climate change assessments.
- Provide technical and analytical input into source protection planning.
- Prepare reports and presentations for the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Committee.
- Support stakeholder outreach and public consultation on select studies.
- Manage and organize source water datasets, including GIS, model files, and tabular data.
- Provide project management support for wellhead protection studies when funding is available.
- Perform other Source Protection Program duties as needed.

Position Available: Manager, Water Resources
Location: Calgary, Alberta
We currently have an opening for Water Resources Manager to join our expanding team in Calgary. In this role, you will play a pivotal role in planning, designing, and managing water resources projects across Southern Alberta, with the potential to support initiatives in other parts of Canada. Additionally, you will lead a team of engineers, technologists, and support staff, ensuring the effective coordination of technical resources across various projects. Your leadership will be instrumental in fostering staff development and growth through coaching and mentoring, managing client relationships, and ensuring the highest standards of quality and accuracy in project designs, reports, and studies. This position presents a dynamic and rewarding opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the field of water resources management.
To see the full listing details and to apply, please visit our career site here: Associated Engineering Careers
Email us at to have your job posted!
CWRA Website Job Posting Policy
- Employment ads will be prepared and posted for one week at a price of $200.
- Job Postings displayed on the CWRA home page will consist of the job title, 50-75 word brief description with a link to the detailed job description and application process.
- Continuing the ad for more than one week will be possible at a cost of $100 per week.
- CWRA members will be given a 10% discount on the Advertisement.
- Job Postings are included in our bi-weekly email to members and other subscribers.
- An email blast to CWRA members is not performed.
- We will require 1 business day advance notice for a posting to be completed.
If you are interested please submit the posting material to CWRA and confirm your billing address and include:
- a copy of the advertisement and links to further information, or at minimum a title of position, location of office, type of position (full/part) or contract dates, application deadline, and a short description, in English and/or French,
- date posting should begin, and
- date posting is to be removed.
- Please send us a logo if you would like one included.