Past Scholarship Recipients

Sacha Ruzzante, Dillon Consulting Scholarship
PhD, University of Victoria, Civil Engineering
Project: Analysing groundwater contamination vulnerability and risk at the global scale

Hannah May, Golder Scholarship for Indigenous Students in Water
Master’s, University of Guelph, School of Engineering
Project: Nutrient dynamics in the hydrosystem of a Great Lakes clay plain setting

Brittany Welsh, Harker/Cameron – Women in Water Scholarship
PhD, Trent University Environmental and Life Sciences
Project: Modelling and measuring the distribution of microplastics in lake catchments in southern Ontario, Canada

Rob Chlumsky, Rick Ross Student Scholarship
PhD, University of Waterloo Civil and Environmental Engineering
Project: Advancing the selection and identifiability of hydrologic model structure

Emily Dickson, Ken Thomson Scholarship
Master’s, Concordia University, Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies
Project: Characterization and prediction of fluvial bank retreat using novel physical experiments

Ashton Sies, CWRA Memorial Scholarship
Master’s, University of Regina, Biology
Project: Why do antibiotic resistance genes exist and persist in freshwater agricultural ponds?
2024 CWRA Scholarship Winners

Camille Morin, Harker-Cameron Women in Water Scholarship
Masters, Polytechnique Montréal, Geological and Mining Engineering
Project: Development of an automated calibration procedure for any hydrosedimentary model based on SRH-1D software

Jess Lerminiaux, Rick Ross Scholarship
Masters, University of Regina
Project: Abundance, Distribution, and Degradation of Hepatotoxin Microcystin in a Multi-basin Wetland Complex

Jack Kostick, Ken Thomson Scholarship
Masters, University of Calgary, Civil Engineering
Project: An Assessment of The Impacts of a Changing Landscape on Athabasca Oil Sands Water Availability

Danielle Spence, CWRA Memorial Scholarship
PhD, University of Saskatchewan, School of Environment and Sustainability; Global Institute for Water Security
Project: Bridging the gap between knowledge and action: A collaborative approach to reducing eutrophication and harmful algal blooms

Jessica van Gaalen, Dillon Consulting Scholarship
Masters, University of Lethbridge, Geography and Environment
Project: Analyzing Snowpack and Vegetation Feedbacks using Lidar in a Regenerating Post-Wildfire Mountain Environment: A Case Study in Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada

Courtney Vaughan, Golder Scholarship for Indigenous Students in Water
PhD, Lakehead University, Health Sciences
Project: Canoeing to the Headwaters: Upstream Approaches to Mobilizing Social and Ecological Health in the Lake Superior Watershed
2023 CWRA Scholarship Winners

Alexina Roy-Saillant, Dillon Consulting Scholarship
Masters, Université Laval, Département de Génie mécanique
Project: Étude de la relation entre la surface libre d’une rivière et les performances d’une hydrolienne à aile oscillante passive

Anthony Arsenault, Golder Scholarship for Indigenous Students in Water
Masters, Trent University, Biology
Project: Dissolved organic matter vertical quality patterns in small boreal lakes during the warm season and characteristics in ice of the Great Lakes during winter

Elisha Persaud, Harker/Cameron – Women in Water Scholarship
PhD, University of Guelph, School of Engineering
Project: An Integrated Watershed Scale Approach for Climate Change Studies in the Great Lakes Basin

Brayden Ralph, Rick Ross
Masters, University of Calgary, Geoscience
Project: Integrating our Knowledge of Alpine Aquifers in Large-Scale Hydrological Models to Improve Baseflow Prediction

Jacob Steele, Ken Thomson
Masters, Dalhousie University, Civil and Resource Engineering
Project: Effect of nitrogen pollution on salt marsh GHG emissions
Connect with Jacob on LinkedIn here.

Ashlyn Kernaghan, CWRA Memorial
Masters, Trent University, Environmental and Life Sciences
Project: Biogeochemical Fate and Environmental Implications of Rare-Earth-Based Coagulants in Aquatic Ecosystems
2022 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Sacha Ruzzante | University of Victoria, Civil Engineering | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Analysing groundwater contamination vulnerability and risk at the global scale |
Hannah May | University of Guelph, School of Engineering | Golder Scholarship for Indigenous Students in Water ($2,000) | Nutrient dynamics in the hydrosystem of a Great Lakes clay plain setting |
Brittany Welsh | Trent University Environmental and Life Sciences | Harker/Cameron – Women in Water Scholarship ($2,000) | Modelling and measuring the distribution of microplastics in lake catchments in southern Ontario, Canada |
Emily Dickson | Concordia University, Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Characterization and prediction of fluvial bank retreat using novel physical experiments |
Rob Chlumsky | University of Waterloo Civil and Environmental Engineering | Rick Ross ($2,000) | Advancing the selection and identifiability of hydrologic model structure |
Ashton Sies | University of Regina, Biology | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Why do antibiotic resistance genes exist and persist in freshwater agricultural ponds? |
2021 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Patrick Morkus | McMaster University- Chemical Engineering | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Development of a rapid and simple assay to detect the presence of biocides that inhibit nitrification |
Sara Lilley | University of Calgary Department of Geoscience |
Harker/Cameron – Women in Water Scholarship ($2,000) | Hydrogeochemical characterization of an alpine karst aquifer in the Canadian Rockies |
Dylan Stafford | University of Manitoba Civil Engineering |
Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Effect of Macropore Flow on Permafrost Degradation and Hydrologic Transformations for Managing Water Resources and Improving Infrastructure Resiliency |
Étienne Gariépy-Girouard | Université du Québec à Rimouski, Biologie, chimie et géographie | Rick Ross ($2,000) | Les défis de l’intégration des principes de l’hydrogéomorphologie et des bénéfices humains dans la restauration de cours d’eau au Québec |
Rachel Pigden | University of Guelph Masters in Landscape Architecture |
CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Towards a Framework for Rain Gardens at City-Wide Scales: A Working Solution and Case Study |
Watch the recording of the 2021 Scholarships Presentation made for the 2021 Virtual National Conference, and hear a little more about each student’s work.
2020 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Julia Cantelon | Dalhousie University- Sexton Campus Civil and Resource Engineering |
Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | A Hidden Threat of Climate Change: Saltwater Intrusion Into Island Freshwater |
Kristina Miller | University of Calgary Geography |
Harker/Cameron – Women in Water Scholarship ($2,000) | Analysis of glacier runoff rerouting impacts at Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory |
Sadaf Mehrabi | Western University Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Establishing mainstream shortcut nitrogen removal processes using membrane aerated biofilm reactors |
Thomas Saleh | University of Toronto Geography & Planning |
Rick Ross ($2,000) | Climate, “vulnerability”, and water infrastructure in rural Guyana |
Emily Sousa | University of Guelph Rural Planning and Development |
CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Water Stewardship in Canadian Dairy: Exploring Motivations of Farmers to Adopt Agroecological Practices and Sustainable Resource Management on Farms |
2019 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Jessee He | University of Calgary – Geoscience | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Groundwater Processes and spatial heterogeneity in mountain watersheds |
Cedar Welsh | University of Victoria – Geography | CWRA ($1,500) | A multi-century perspective of hydroclimate change from tree-ring proxy records for the Skeena, Nass. and Stikine River basins, northern British Columbia |
Marianne Blanchette | Institut national de la recherche scientifique – Centre Eau Terre Environnement | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Amelioration de modules mecanistes du fonctionnement hydrologique de milieux humides naturels |
Christelle Lambert | Universite du Quebec a Montreal (UQAM) – Sciences de la Terre | Rick Ross ($2,000) | Bilan hydrique et medilisation hydrologique de deux torubieres mineotrophes de Centre-nord du Quebec, Canada |
Laura Hopkins | University of Guelph – Geography, Environment and Geomatics | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Wetland Restoration Scenarios in the Lynn River Black Creek Watershed of Norfolk County in Southern Ontario |
2018 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Scott Pokorny | University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering Water Resources | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Uncertainty Assessment of the Hydrologic Models, WATFLOOD, HEC-HMS, HYPE, and VIC in the Lower Nelson River Basins |
JeremieBoudreault | Institut National da la Recherche Scientifique Centre Eau Terre Environment | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Application des modeles de regression fonctionnelle a la temperature de l’eau enriviere et a l’habitat du saumon atlantiquejuvenile |
Pavneet Brar | McMaster University Department of Civil Engineering | Rick Ross ($1,500) | Development of a Resilience-Based Design Approach for Urban Drainage Systems |
Holly Annand | University of Saskatchewan Department of Geography and Planning | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Changing Prairie Hydrology: Modeling the Influence of Climate Change and Wetland Drainage |
Linden Fairbairn | University of Waterloo Department of Earth and Environment Sciences | CWRA ($1,500) | Capillary Fringe Reactive Interfaces in Agroecosystems: Soil Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Export to Ground and Surface Water |
2017 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Evelyn Asiedu | University of Alberta Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Monitoring the persistence of thousands of organic chemicals in oil sands process-affected water |
Adrienne Ducharme | University of Winnipeg Department of Bioscience, Technology and Public Policy | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | The effect of topography and hydrology on dissolved organic carbon exports to streams at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) |
Jason Abboud | University of Calgary Department of Geoscience | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Field investigation of fugitive methane gas migration around leaky petroleum wells into freshwater aquifers |
Samantha Morgan | Simon Fraser University Department of Earth Science | CWRA ($1,500) | Investigating the role of buried valley aquifer systems in the regional hydrogeology of the Peace River region in Northeast British Columbia |
Justin Shaw | University of Waterloo Department of Applied Mathematics | CWRA ($1,500) | A lagrangian model for finding sources of dissolved and suspended substances |
2016 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Laura Beamish | University of Calgary Department of Geoscience | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Modelling Groundwater Contributions to Winter Streamflow in Alpine Watersheds |
Michael Zima | University of British Columbia Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Biogeochemical Characterization of the Hyporheic Zone below the Fraser River near Vancouver, BC |
Dalal Hanna | McGill University Department of Natural Resource Sciences | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Improving the Sustainable Use and Conservation of Riverine Ecosystem Services |
Alison Murata | University of Alberta Department of Renewable Resources | CWRA ($1,500) | Remediation of Ground Water and Soil Contaminated with Salts and Chlorinated Organic Compounds |
Rachel Bazile | University of Quebec and Chicoutimi Department of Applied Sciences | CWRA ($1,500) | Long Term Weather Forecasting: Impact for the Management of Hydroelectric Works in Quebec |
2015 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Jordan Harrington | University of Calgary, Department of Geoscience | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Hydrological function and energy balance of a rock glaciers in the Canadian Rockies |
Jean-Luc Martel | École de technologiesupérieure construction engineering | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Evaluation of the impact of natural climate variability on the estimation of hydrological extremes in the current and future climate |
Lucas Wazney | University of Manitoba, Dept. of Civil Engineering | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Development of a comprehensive two-dimensional numerical model of freeze-up river ice processes |
Gage Comeau | University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Faculty of Science | CWRA ($1,500) | Nutrient and water quality hotspots along a rural-urban gradient in Lake Ontario tributaries |
Katelin Neufeld | University of Manitoba,Ph.D.candidate, Department of Psychology | CWRA ($1,500) | Evoking a sense of community connection: An advocacy strategy to increase support to water and wastewater security in First Nations |
2014 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Eva Bogdan | University of Alberta Dept. of Sociology Ph.D. | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Flooding discourse: Perceptions and practices of the 2013 flood management in High River, Alberta |
Dhouha Ouali | INRS-ETE Eau Terre Environment Ph.D. | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Analyse fréquentielle régionale en utilisant des approaches non linéaires |
RaphaëlleLandry | U. du Québec à Trois Riviéres Dépt. des sciences de l’énvironment Ph.D. | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Le concept de la sécheress écohydrologiqueet son application aux etudes hydroclimatiquesau Québec méridional |
Natasha Overduin | University of Victoria Geography Department M.Sc. | CWRA ($1,500) | Community-based monitoring: A tool for improving water decisionmaking in a resource extraction context? |
Rony Das | UBC Civil Engineering Ph.D. | CWRA ($1,500) | Ecophysical study of the impact of prolonged sludge age on membrane enhanced biological phosphorous removal from municipal wastewater |
2013 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Mathieu Toupin | U Ottawa Civil Eng M.Sc. | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Scientific Validation of Standards for Tidal Energy Resource Assessment |
Thea Van Rossum | SFU Mol. Bio. & Biochem. M.Sc. | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Improving Water Quality Monitoring with New DNA Tests |
Sébastien Lemay | U Waterloo Env. & Res. Studies Ph.D. | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Étude éxperimentale de l’écoulement de l’eaudans la roue d’une turbine de type bulbe |
Natalya Melnychuk | U Waterloo Env. & Res. Studies Ph.D. | CWRA ($1,500) | Conceptualizing Legitimacy in Collaborative Governance for Water Resources |
Catherine Dieleman | UWO Biology Ph.D. | CWRA ($1,500) | Are Degraded Wetlands Really Degraded? Evaluating Disturbance Impacts on Wetland Ecosystem Function, Services and Resilience |
2012 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Barret Kurylyk | UNB /Ph.D. | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Climate change impacts on the subsurface thermal and hydraulic regimes: A sensitivity analysis of groundwater-sourced Salmonid habitat |
Laura Sauder | Waterloo/Ph.D. | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | Investigating the abundance, activity, and diversity of novel ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in nitrifying wastewater treatment systems |
E. Jane Simmons | Guelph/M.Sc. | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | Investigating the abundance, activity, and diversity of novel ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in nitrifying wastewater treatment systems |
Pascal Matte | INRS/Ph.D. | CWRA ($1,500) | Modélisation hydrodynamique de l’estuairefluvial du Saint- Laurent |
Shane Wruth | UofM/ M.Sc. | CWRA ($1,500) | Incorporation of non-stationary landcover into WATFLOOD climate change scenarios |
2011 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Jason Leach | UBC(Ph.D.) | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | Effects of climate and land cover changes on winter stream temperature |
Richard Arsenault | ETS (M.Sc.) | Ken Thompson ($2,000) |
Utilisation des données du MRCC 15km pour la détermination de la distribution spatialeoptimale du réseau d’observationsmétéorologiques en modélisation hydrologiquedistribuée et globale Using data from the 15km CRCM for determining the optimal spatial distribution of the weather observation network in distributed and global hydrological modeling |
Patrick Gauthier | Lakehead (M.Sc.) | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | The bioavailability of waterborne lipid-soluble organometallic complexes: non-additive toxic outcomes of metal- PAH oil sands effluent mixtures to the freshwater amphipod, HyalellaAzteca |
Anita Gue | Calgary (M.Sc.) | CWRA ($1,500) | Tracing the geochemical history of saline springs and their contributions to the Clearwater and Athabasca Rivers in NE Alberta |
Sarah Peirce | Guelph (M.Sc.) | CWRA ($1,500) | Characterization of Ephemeral Streams using Eletrical Resistance Sensors in a Southern Ontario Watershed |
2010 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution and Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Cindy Starzyk | University of British Columbia | Dillon Consulting ($5,000) | |
Carly Delavau | University of Manitoba | Ken Thompson ($2,000) | |
Ali Naghibi | University of British Columbia | CWRA Memorial ($1,500) | |
Frédéric Julien | University of Ottawa | CWRA ($1,500) | |
Andres Varhola | University of British Columbia | CWRA ($1,500) |
2009 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Michael Nemeth, | University of Lethbridge | Dillon Scholarship | Simulating hydrological impacts of climate and land use changes in the upper North Saskatchewan River Watershed in central Alberta using the ACRU hydrological modelling system |
Ushman Khan, | University of Calgary | Ken Thompson Scholarship | Bioretention cell efficiency in cold climates |
Arthur Zastepa | University of Ottawa | The fate and persistence of cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial toxins in lake sediment | |
Susan Hannan | Memorial University | Investigating the factors controlling chlorination disinfection byproduct formation in drinking water supplies of Newfoundland and Labrador | |
Mathieu Beaulieu | University of British Columbia | Impact of a shifting hydrological regime on late summer streamflow in a sub- alpine coastal watershed |
2008 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Hellen Baulch, | Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario Department of Geology and Geophysics | Dillon Scholarship | Nitrogen loadings and nitrous oxide emissions from streams. |
Mustafa Ahmed, | Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Ken Thompson Scholarship | Movement of non-aqueous phase liquids in soils. |
Alexander Furrest | University of British Columbia, Victoria, British Columbia Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Under ice survey for ecosystem assessment in the Arctic. | |
Fraser Kent | Guelph University, Guelph, Ontario Department of Biology | Optimization of membrane filtration for wastewater reuse. | |
Elizabeth Jamieson | University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Department of Civil Engineering | Hydrodynamics of submerged groynes in rivers. |
2007 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Jaime Lynn Hood, | University of Calgary Department of Geology and Geophysics | Dillon Scholarship | Improved understanding and parametrization of groundwater flow and storage in alpine headwaters. |
Heather Mustard, | University of Waterloo Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Ken Thompson Scholarship | Modeling and uncertainty in the design of an early warning source water monitoring station. |
Erin Cullen | University of Western Ontario Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Modeling nanoparticles transport for groundwater remediation | |
Jennifer Ings | University of Waterloo Department of Biology | Rainbow trout and human pharmaceuticals in the environment | |
Mark John Lee | University of Manitoba Department of Civil Engineering | Climate change in water resources management in the Prairies |
2006 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Edwin Cey, | University of Waterloo Department of Earth Sciences | Dillon Scholarship | Groundwater Recharge |
Anurani Persaud, | Trent University Watershed Ecosystem Program Department of Environmental and Resource Studies (ERS) | Ken Thomson Scholarship | The effect of varying DOC concentration on zooplankton trophic dynamics in temperate freshwater lakes |
Carol Maas | University of Waterloo Department of Chemical Engineering | Modeling solids mass transfer in biological wastewater treatment | |
Kelly Ann Ross | University of British Columbia Department of Microbiology | The Hyporheic Zone | |
Sarah Mouneimne | University of Calgary Department of Geology and Geophysics | Stable Isotopes |
2005 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Radha Rajagopalan, | University Of Toronto, Department Of Geography, Program In Planning | Ken Thomson Scholarship | Study of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products In Canadian Waters |
Kela Weber | University Of Waterloo, Chemical Engineering | Evaluation of Constructed Wetlands as a Passive Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage | |
Caroline Smith | University Of Waterloo, Environment and Resources Studies | Impact of Waterfowl on Water Quality of Stormwater Management Ponds under Different Vegetation Strategies | |
Arelia Werner | University of Victoria, Department of Geography | Impact of Climate Change on the Sooke Lake Reservoir |
2004 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Shawn Cleary, | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario | Ken Thompson Scholarship | Sustainable Drinking Water Treatment of High Turbidity Surface Water with Multistage Filtration |
Sylvain Jutras | Foresterie et de geomatique, Department des sciences du bois et de la foret, Universite Laval, Montreal, Quebec | Growth of Tree Species and Hydrology in Managed Forested Peatlands, Quebec | |
Christine Khandl | Environmental Studies / School of Planning, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario | Effects of Stormwater Management Pond Effluent on Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Urban Receiving Streams | |
Anthony David Roche | Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia | Cause and Consequence of Uncertainty in Hydrologic Modelling and Extreme Event Simulation |
2003 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Laura Spink, | Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario | Ken Thompson Scholarship | Groundwater Remediation in Inorganic and Mining Environments |
Andrew Rollo | Department of Environment and Management, Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia | Processed Kimberlite – Water Interactions in Diamond Mine Waste, EkatiDiamond Mine, N.W.T., Canada | |
Craig Murray | Watershed Ecosystems Graduate Program, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario | The Effect of Buffer Strip Width on Hydrological Flowpaths to Boreal Forest Lakes | |
Adam Yates | Department of Biology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario | Agricultural Extension Programs: Effectiveness in Mitigating Agricultural Impacts on Aquatic Communities at a Micro- basin Scale in Southern Ontario, Canada. |
2002 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Matthew Alexander, | Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick | Ken Thompson Scholarship | Impacts of Timber Harvest on the Thermal Regime of a Shallow Aquifer and a Small Stream |
Nathalie Bedard | Department of Environment and Management, Royal | Linking Urban Land-Use to Water Quality: Promoting |
2001 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Sajjad Ahmad | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario | Development of an intelligent decision support system (IDSS) for flood management in the Red River basin in Manitoba. | |
Helen Baulch | Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta | Investigation of how the lake-bottom community of algae, bacteria, and invertebrates changes in response to increased water temperatures. | |
Merrin Macrae | Department of Geography, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario | Investigation of linkages between temporal and spatial patterns in phosphorus mobility, basin physical characteristics and land use, and antecedent hydrologic conditions (e.g. water table position, soil moisture content, season) | |
Jeremy Steffler | Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario | The design, construction, and analysis of subsurface- flow wetland systems for the treatment of storm water runoff |
2000 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Name | Institution & Department | Scholarship | Field of Study |
Marc St. Laurent | Department of Civil & Geological Engineering, University of Manitoba | Distributed Hydrological Modelling in the Northern Boreal Forest. | |
Paula Caron | Department of Biology, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia | Reservoir drawdown: implications for littoral benthic communities and drinking water | |
James Roy | Department of Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario | Groundwater contamination with emphasis on organic industrial chemicals in groundwater | |
Catherine Holt | Department of Biology, York University, Toronto, Ontario | Devise an inexpensive way to monitor lakes so that managers can be alerted when a lake becomes acid enough that biota are adversely affected | |
Marc St. Laurent | Department of Civil & Geological Engineering, University of Manitoba | Distributed Hydrological Modelling in the Northern Boreal Forest. |
les boursiers 1999 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Genevieve M. Carr | Department of Biology, University of Waterloo | Macrophytes in Rivers in Sothern Ontario | |
Ramesh S. V. Teegavarapu | Depatment of Civil Engineering, University of Manitoba | Real-time Operation of Hydropower Stations | |
Tim Van Seters | Department of Geography, University of Waterloo | Evaluation of the Hydrological Aspects of Peatland Restoration | |
Brent Wootton | Environmental and Resource Studies, University of Waterloo | Investigation of the Potential Application of an Ecosystem Management Approach to Human Created or Altered Environments that have Multiple and Potentially Conflicting Functions. |
les boursiers 1998 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
DeBruyn, Adrian M.H. | Biology, McGill University | Environmental fate and effects of ambient toxicity in the St. Lawrence River | |
Kiers, April | Botany, University of Manitoba | Impacts of intensive agriculture on prairie wetlands. | |
McMartin, Dena W. | Environmental Engineering, University of Saskatchewan | The importance of groundwater on the prairies. | |
Shepherd, Jennifer | Landscape Architecture, University of British Columbia | Measuring landscape fragmentation: implications for ecological function in stream corridors. |
les boursiers 1997 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Bouffart, Sylvie | Chemical Engineering, University of British Columbia | Development of technologies for purification of pulping process water to increase recycling and reduce | |
Hiebert, Jennifer | Biological Science, University of Alberta, | Distribution of stream invertebrates in relation to flow variables | |
Nawaby, Arghavan | Chemistry, Carleton University | Removal of contaminants from aqueous industrial waste streams | |
Vanderlinden, Jean- Paul | Environmental Studies, York University | Gestion coopérative des ressources naturelles: élaboration d’un cadre théorique inter- disciplinaire |
les boursiers 1996 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Kelly, David | Biological Sciences, University of Alberta | The responses of streamfed communities to solar ultraviolet radiation | |
Parker, Catherine | Canadian Institute of Resources Law, University of Calgary, | Aboriginal rights to water in British Columbia | |
Yang, Chun-Chieh | Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, McGill University | Application of artificial neural networks to land drainage engineering and soil and water quality management |
les boursiers 1995 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
les boursiers 1994 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Grasby, Stephen | Geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary | Inorganic pollution of Bow River, S. Alberta | |
Nishikawa, Megumi | Political Science, University of Toronto | Aboriginal water rights and water diversion in Canada | |
Olaveson, Mary | Botany, University of Toronto | Examination of metal resistance mechanisms in acidophilic Euglena spp. Exhibition differential metal tolerance |
les boursiers 1993 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département – Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Basu, Ben | Biology, University of Ottawa | The eutrophication of rivers: Seasonal and spatial differences in algal biomass in relation to environmental factors | |
Hinton, Marc | Earth Sciences, University of Waterloo | The role of groundwater flow on stream discharge and chemistry in glacial till watersheds on the Canadian Shield | |
Rowan, Ann | Geography, Simon Fraser University | Sustainable water policy: evaluating the possibilities and implications of Vancouver’s water policy |
les boursiers 1992 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département – Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Brewer, Sharon | Chemistry Department, Carleton University | The feasibility of using liquid or supercritical carbon dioxide to replace organic solvents such as dichloromethane now used in extractions from water | |
Brissette, Francois P. | Civil Engineering, McMaster University | The relationship between wave energy and the tracking of pollutants | |
Main, Catherine | Hydrogeology and Urban and Regional Planning, University of Waterloo | Evaluate the fate of gasoline in a swamp and evaluate the effectiveness of water quality legislation in Ontario |
les boursiers 1991 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Da Ra, Adriana E. | Applied Science and Urban & Rural Planning, Technical University of Nova Scotia | ||
Lauzon, Jean-Marc | Hydrology, Laval University | ||
Williams, Darren A. | Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University |
les boursiers 1990 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Okabe, Ian T. | Atmospheric Science Programme of Geography and Oceanography, University of British Columbia | ||
Shpyth, Albert A. | Environmental Studies, York University | ||
Walker, Daniel A. | Geological Sciences, University of British Columbia |
les boursiers 1989 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Robert de Loë | Geography, University of Waterloo | ||
J. Paul Henderson | Bioresource Engineering, University of British Columbia | ||
Lucie Masse | Agricultural Engineering, MacDonald College |
les boursiers 1988 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Samar Alghabra | Civil Engineering, University of Moncton | ||
Sharon Anne Peters | Civil Engineering, Queen’s University | Development of a water quality submodel for simulating the fate of fertilizers and pesticides on tile drained agricultural fields. | |
Gary Poirier | Engineering, University of Regina |
les boursiers 1987 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
John Donald | Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo | ||
Kelvin Dushnisky | School of Planning, University British Columbia | ||
Thomas Piekutowski | Agricultural Engineering, MacDonald College |
les boursiers 1986 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution &Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
John Bell | Chemical Engineering, McMaster University | ||
Pierre Bournival | Agricultural Engineering, McDonald College | ||
Janet Stavinga Maurine | Geography, University of Windsor |
les boursiers 1985 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université DépartementProgramme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
Christopher Scott | Specialized Marine Biology, University of Guelph | ||
D.A. Shrubsole | Geography, University of Waterloo | ||
Marc Turgeon | Environmental Design, University of Calgary |
les boursiers 1984 CWRA Scholarship Winners | |||
Nom/Name | Université Département Programme/Institution & Department | Bourse/Scholarship | Sujet de rercherche/Field of Study |
David M. Fay | Civil Engineering, Queen’s University | ||
Craig D. Wardlaw | Engineering, University of Guelph |