June 23, 12PM ET: Webinar, Flow Forecasting across Canada with Delft-FEWS (with BC Hydro, TRCA)

 In Archived BC, Archived Event, Archived ON, Archived Webinars

There is a common challenge for governmental, energy utility and academic organizations across Canada to predict river flows and flood events. Key to this challenge is the translation of available data to actionable information in the local context. This process requires integration of large data sets, specialized modules to process the data, integration of existing modelling capacities and means to communicate the results. In response to these challenges, Delft-Flood Early Warning System (Delft-FEWS) is a state of the art flood forecast and early warning system

Delft-FEWS is an operational water management data platform. It is an advanced collection of modules designed to build hydrological forecasting system customized to an individual organization and allowing integration of existing modelling capacities. Delft-FEWS has been implemented for Quebec, Alberta and New Brunswick provincial governments, utility providers of BC Hydro, TransAlta, Manitoba Hydro and Ontario Power Generation and for the City of Calgary and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. It has been implemented with national coverage for the United States, Australia, United Kingdom and the Netherlands among numerous other applications. Delft-FEWS is license-cost free and has a dedicated user community.

This webinar will describe how several Canadian agencies use Delft-FEWS, and describe upcoming developments. Presenting organizations will be:

Deltares, a non-for-profit national research institute in the Netherlands and the software developer.
BC Hydro, a well established hydropower operator using the Raven modelling framework.
Toronto Regional Conservation Authority presenting their newly developed system for urban application.

Additional Resources:

Upcoming Delft-FEWS courses in Canada

Check out the presentations from  BC Hydro and others from the 2019 Delft-FEWS North American User Days