June 7 2022 12:45 PM MT: CSHS AGM
CSHS’s 2022 AGM will be held in-person at the 2022 National Conference in Canmore, Alberta, during lunch on Tuesday June 7th. If you are not attending the conference, you can join virtually by registering at this link.
All CSHS members are encouraged to attend either in-person or virtually. This is a great time to get to know the CSHS executive, hear about plans for the next year, and learn about how to get involved in the organization. Anyone may attend the AGM, but only CSHS members in good standing may vote.
Further documents, including an agenda, will be available to CSHS members before the meeting.
[su_button url=”https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIocumprDkoE9ac7HNeBGGuloc8be2KcU3j ” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#0070b2″ size=”10″ center=”yes” radius=”round”]Register to attend the CSHS AGM virtually[/su_button]