May 10th, 2023 12pm PT: BC AGM + Webinar with Yannic Brugman and Andrew Giles

 In Archived AGM, Archived BC, Archived Event, Archived Online, Archived Webinars

What: BC Branch AGM & Presentation from the Province of BC

Topics Include:

    1. Updates on the BC Flood Strategy  
    2. Ministry of Forests Flood Safety Section Current Initiatives

When: May 10th, 2023 @ 12 pm PT

Where: Zoom – click the button below to register (there is no cost for attending this event).

Speakers: Yannic Brugman and Andrew Giles


AGM Agenda:

  1. Presentation: Updates on the BC Flood Strategy & Ministry of Forests Flood Safety Section Current Initiatives
  2. Call to Order / Attendance and Quorum
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Minutes of 2 June 2022 AGM
  5. President’s Report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. SYP Report
  8. Election of Directors
  9. Election of Executive
  10. Appointment of National Directors
  11. Adjournment
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