November 22, 7PM ET: SYP Ottawa: Integrated Modelling Framework to Protect Coastal Communities against Environmental Impacts of Oil Spill

 In Archived Event, Archived ON, Archived Online, Archived SYP Event, Archived Webinars, Webinar-Member, Webinar-Member-2023, Webinar-Member-SYP

Speaker: Dr. Moien Mojabi

About: Join the CWRA SYP Ottawa chapter for the next in our series of Water Talks webinars. Dr. Moien Mojabi of Tetra Tech will speak about oil spill modelling and analysis with a focus on results used for delivering a targeted response to potential impacts.


Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments (HHERA) are a critical part of oil and gas industry developments in coastal areas. The HHERA findings will provide vital information about emergency and oil spill response plans required to protect public health and safety. In this regard, the development of reliable and practical oil spill simulation capacity is of significant importance. The spatial and temporal evolution of the oil spill in a complex oceanic environment involves a wide range of processes which need to be implemented in oil spill models.  For this purpose, over the course of real-world projects, the Air, Coastal, and Lake Engineering Group at Tetra Tech has developed the property modelling suite which has turned out to be an efficient simulation system to address real-world oil spill problems. This modelling suite provides precious information about oil trajectory on the water surface, three-dimensional advection and diffusion of dissolved oil, and dispersion of evaporated oil in the air.  These results give an estimate of hydrocarbon concentrations around coastal areas, as well as vulnerable marine habitats. The HHERA uses these estimations to assess the potential impacts of oil spills and prepare emergency response plans. This presentation describes the methodology of oil spill modelling and analysis with the main focus on modelling results used for delivering a targeted response to the potential impacts.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Moien Mojabi is an Oceanographer – Hydrotechnical Engineering Specialist with Tetra Tech, Vancouver. Prior to joining Tetra Tech, Moien was a Hydrodynamic Modeler with Pacific Regional Institute for Marine Energy Discovery (PRIMED), Victoria, BC. Moien earned his Civil Engineering PhD from Technische Universität Braunschweig , Germany. Over the course of his PhD, Moien carried out an extensive study on wave interaction with submerged structures, with the main focus on how the design of submerged breakwaters affects wave transmission and morphological changes in coastal areas. After Graduating in 2018, Moien joined PRIMED where he mainly carried out analysis and modelling of power generated by Wave Energy Convertors. Moien has always been eager to build on his professional experiences by exploring new horizons in his career. In 2022, Moien Joined Tetra Tech, where he has had the opportunity to work on various projects, ranging from wind-wave modelling/analysis to oil spill simulation.