World Water-Tech North America

 In Archived Conferences, Archived Event
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Driving Efficiency and Resiliency in Water and Wastewater Systems

World Water-Tech North America 2019: Los Angeles is where over 250 US, Canadian and international water utilities, municipalities and industrial end-users meet to find solutions to the challenges of asset optimization, digitization, leakage, energy and reuse.

With an established reputation for fostering innovation, facilitating commercial collaborations and showcasing disruptive start-ups, the summit is an opportunity to learn from and connect with the leading technology providers, engineering giants and investors from across the region and around the world.

Networking is made easy via our 1:1 meeting system, a digital hub where all attendees can connect in advance before sitting down face-to-face in a dedicated networking space to forge partnerships and develop ideas. The 2019 summit will take place on October 29-30 in Los Angeles.

As a global transport hub and the largest city in California – one of the most technologically advanced and water-stressed regions of the world – Los Angeles is the ideal location for the North American water industry to explore the latest innovations in water and wastewater technology.

Key summit themes:

Asset Optimization: Locking in Resiliency

Indirect and Direct Reuse: Developments in Technology and Policy

Sustainable Industry: Stewardship and Strategy

From Machine Learning to Smart Water Grids: Hot Trends in Digital Transformation

Rethinking Desalination – Membrane Innovation, Green Energy and Modular Plants

Engineer 2.0: From Desk to Field

Halving Leakage by 2050: Exploring the Strategies and Technologies that will get us there

Emerging Efficiencies and Resiliency in Agricultural Water Stewardship

Micropollutants: Tackling the Mighty Challenge Facing Water Quality

Head of Innovation Forum

Water-Tech Deals of the Year 2019



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