2019 CSHS / uWaterloo – CIVE 781: Principles of Hydrologic Modelling
June 3-7(8), 2019 University of Waterloo
This course addresses the development of computational models of watershed hydrology in support of water resources management and scientific investigation. The full model development and application cycle is considered: pre-processing, understanding, and generating input forcing data; system discretization and algorithms for simulating hydrologic processes; parameter estimation; and interpreting model output in the context of often significant system uncertainty. The course will include practical applications of models to alpine, boreal forest, prairie, and agricultural settings in Canada.
Optional: June 8th is optional for participants. Please see course website for more information.
More Information is available on the course website: CIVE 781: Principles of Hydrologic Modelling
Registration is now open an available here: http://beeid.org/512ed9d62d35