April 28, 2022 12-1PM: AB Branch Webinar: An Introduction to the International St. Mary and Milk Rivers Study and Treaty with Dr. Alain Pietroniro
The Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909 between the United States of America and Great Britain, for Canada, was signed on January 11, 1909 to address water-related issues along the international border between the U.S. and Canada. The St. Mary Milk Treaty was the first of a series international treaties that established the International Joint Commission (IJC). Over the past 100 years; and since the 1921 Order was issued, the Accredited Officers overseeing the treaty developed «administrative procedures» which have been adjusted within the intent of the treaty, and over the years, to ensure beneficial water use for both countries. Recent events and climate change have changed condition in the basin and the ability for both countries to make the best use of entitlements has been difficult. In 2018, the Accredited officers requested that the IJC consider approaching government to fund a reference study to address some of the issues in the basin. The reference is focused on modeling efforts that will be initiated using similar approaches that were used and outlined in the 2006 Montana-Alberta Joint Initiative. This includes evaluating combinations of both structural and administrative options within the basin. The study effort will also be focus on historical data analysis that can be used to evaluate various options under varying climate conditions, including detailed socio-economic analysis. Throughout the process, there will engagement of interests throughout the basins, through workshops; to ensure adequate input for the models as well as and understanding of the model output for rights holders and stakeholders in the basin. This presentation outlines the historical context leading to this recent directive and describes the study plan, engagement strategy and anticipated outcomes for the directive and study.
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