Jan 31, 2025: CWRA Workshop on Climate Change: Practical Approaches to Water Resources

 In Archived Conferences, Archived Event, Archived ON, Archived Workshops
Event Theme: Climate Change: Practical Approaches to Water Resources
Date/Time: Friday, Jan 31, 2025, 8:00AM – 4:30PM ET
Organizing Committee: CWRA Ontario Board
Contact Emailon@cwra.org
The final Workshop Agenda can be downloaded here.


8:00 – Registration and light refreshments

8:40 Welcome Remarks – Conservation Ontario, Canadian Water Resources Association

Keynote Speaker: The Hydroclimate of the Great Lakes under a Changing Climate – Frank Seglenieks, National Hydrological Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada

The Great Lakes region has already experienced the effects of a changing climate and are likely to see many more in the future. This talk will examine these effects on the hydroclimate of the Great Lakes in the past and what is projected in the future. It will also discuss why the lakes themselves are a challenge to creating future climate projections.

  • The Canada Water Agency – Providing Federal Freshwater Leadership and Promoting Coordination –  Jennifer Vincent, Canada Water Agency
  • From research to operations: The evolving role of integrated modelling for drought forecasting: Andre Erler & Brayden McNeill, Aquanty
  • Experiences from the FHIMP: Mapping Flood Hazard in a Changing Climate – Brian Perry, Natural Resources Canada & Anna Howes, Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Watershed Climate Change Risk Assessment in Conservation Halton – Assessing Climate Resiliency through Natural Assets – Fabio Tonto,  Montrose Environmental Solutions  & Martin Keller, Conservation Halton

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch

  • Building resilience through Green Streets – how the cumulative effects of green infrastructure can help Toronto adapt to its changing climate – Alexus Maglalang, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) & Anisha Patel, City of Toronto & Yuestas David, TRCA
  • Learning from Today’s Extreme Events to Invest in a Resilient Future – Christine Zimmer, Credit Valley Conservation
  • City of London Municipal Infrastructure Continuous Improvement Analysis – Kholoud Abdelhamid & Adrienne Sones, City of London
  • The City of Guelph’s Climate Adaptation Plan – From Risk Assessment to Implementation – Monica Silva, City of Guelph & Quentin Chiotti,  Montrose Environmental Solutions
  • Adapting to Coastal Hazards in the Great Lake Basin – Bonnie Fox, Conservation Ontario & Brendan Buggeln, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.

4:30 – Closing Remarks

4:45 – Networking Event – Lot 41 Social Bar and Table, Delta Hotel Lobby

Note: The Delta Hotel reduced room rate for  Thursday, January 30th has been extended and it EXPIRES on Sunday, January 12th.


Watershed Climate Change Risk Assessment in Conservation Halton – Assessing Climate Resiliency through Natural Assets – Fabio Tonto, Montrose Environmental Solutions. & Martin Keller, Conservation Halton

Conservation Halton conducted a watershed-level Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment to evaluate future climate risks and their impacts on natural resources. The assessment identified key vulnerabilities, recommended adaptive measures, and emphasized stakeholder collaboration. It provided the basis for a Watershed Climate Resiliency Plan, which outlines actions to enhance Conservation Halton’s programs and services in response to climate change.

Experiences from the FHIMP: Mapping Flood Hazard in a Changing Climate – Brian Perry, Natural Resources Canada & Anna Howes, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Since 2021, the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) supports flood mapping activities for high-risk areas in Canada. The program incorporates guidance to consider potential impacts of climate change in hydrologic and hydraulic assessments. This presentation will present an overview of the FHIMP, take stock of recent experiences in climate change flood mapping in Ontario and other regions of Canada, and provide new perspectives for mapping future floods.

Learning from Today’s Extreme Events to Invest in a Resilient Future – Christine Zimmer, Credit Valley Conservation

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) will share lessons learned from extreme storm events experienced within the Credit River Watershed over the last 20 years and how that led CVC and its partners to develop the Risk and Return on Investment Tool (RROIT). The RROIT is intended to help CVC and municipal partners prioritize actions and investment in infrastructure to reduce multi-risk flood areas (including riverine, urban overland, sanitary back-up, and groundwater flood risks) under both existing and future climate change scenarios. This innovative tool has identified priority neighborhoods at risk of multi-flooding and erosion, with consideration for identifying publicly owned properties, infrastructure and socially vulnerable populations at risk. By prioritizing risks, CVC and its partners can target actions and investment in natural, green and grey infrastructure to build a resilient future with the greatest return on investment. CVC will also share ways RROIT outputs have been used to inform watershed scale planning, municipal capital infrastructure improvements as well as emergency management planning for major storm events now and for the future.

City of London Municipal Infrastructure Continuous Improvement Analysis – Kholoud Abdelhamid & Adrienne Sones, City of London

The City of London reviewed and compared Environment Canada’s Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) rainfall data with the city’s own rain gauge data collected over the past 20 years throughout the city. This analysis is aimed to understand local climate change impacts on rainfall intensity and duration; and identify necessary updates to stormwater management standards to ensure resilient stormwater management design. Observed changes to specific design storm events and runoff coefficient standards for single-family residential areas were also reviewed. Findings underscore the need for adaptive measures to manage London’s stormwater infrastructure amidst climate variability, advocating for proactive adaptations to understand overland flooding risks and potential mitigation works.

The City of Guelph’s Climate Adaptation Plan – From Risk Assessment to Implementation – Monica Silva, City of Guelph & Quentin Chiotti, Montrose Environmental Solutions

The City of Guelph has recently won the OWWA/WEAO’s Climate Action award, recognizing their first Climate Adaptation Plan which addresses the risks and impacts of climate change on water and wastewater infrastructure, operations and services. This presentation will provide insights into the technical process followed to complete the climate risk assessment, highlights existing programs and recommended strategies developed to safeguard City’s assets and services in the face of climate change, and describe how various master plans and an asset management program can promote climate resilience and adaptation.

The Canada Water Agency – Providing Federal Freshwater Leadership and Promoting Coordination – Jennifer Vincent, Canada Water Agency

This presentation will provide an update on the Canada Water Agency (CWA), including its role as a new standalone agency focused on federal freshwater leadership and enhancing collaboration and coordination with provinces, territories, Indigenous Peoples and various stakeholders across Canada.  An overview of Freshwater Ecosystem Initiatives, which respond to regional challenges and priorities such as achieving climate change resiliency through on-the-ground action in major transboundary watersheds across Canada will also be provided.

Building resilience through Green Streets – how the cumulative effects of green infrastructure can help Toronto adapt to its changing climate – Alexus Maglalang, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) & Anisha Patel, City of Toronto & Yuestas David, TRCA

Adapting to Coastal Hazards in the Great Lake Basin – Bonnie Fox, Conservation Ontario & Brendan Buggeln, Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority

The Great Lakes are recognized as a significant coastline in Canada requiring coastal resilience plans (CRPs) to help local communities eliminate and/or mitigate potential coastal hazards exacerbated by climate change. Coastal hazards can have severe impacts on local communities and the absence of CRPs can create socio-economic and environmental challenges that can undermine the quality of life.

Three pilot areas led by Conservation Authorities on Lakes Superior, Huron and Ontario will develop regional-scale coastal resilience plans with adaptation actions to address climate change risks (socio- economic and environmental) associated with coastal hazards. Conservation Ontario with extensive partnerships is developing best management practices (BMPs) from research and the lessons learned. Learn what’s happening over the next 3.5 years from science to implementation to build capacity for climate adaptation across the Great Lakes region and the Conservation Authority Coastal Network.

  • Refunds for cancellations received by December 1, 2024  will be provided, less a $25 administrative fee.
  • Cancellations between December 2, 2024 and January 6, 2025 will be refunded 50% of the total cost or registrations may be transferred to an alternate participant during this time frame.
  • Registration closes on January 29 at 4:00 p.m. or sooner if the workshop is sold out.
  • There are no refunds for cancellations received after January 6, 2025
  • Registrations may be transferred to another person up to January 24, 2025
  • Please send registration cancellation request details to on@cwra.org.
  • We will not provide refunds for cancellations due to inclement weather.
  • All refunds will be processed following the workshop.
  • If the organizers cancel this event, a full refund of workshop fees will be provided.
Category Fee
CWRA Member $275
Workshop Speaker $275
Non-CWRA Member $375
CWRA Young Professional or Student $175

Rooms have been reserved for a limited time at the Delta Hotels Toronto Airport & Conference Centre, Toronto. There is a special rate of $189 (excluding tax) for a deluxe queen room for Thursday night, January 30th using this link. If you are planning to stay additional nights before or after January 30th, please email hotel staff directly, rather than using the link, to request the reduced room rate for all nights (subject to availability). There are a limited number of rooms available using the group rate. The last day to book is January 10th, 2025. 

Parking:  The discounted rate for venue parking for this workshop is $20. This includes overnight guests and attendees (not included in the registration fee).

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this workshop and these include Gold ($2,250) (sold out), Silver ($1,250) (sold out), and four Bronze ($750) (two available). These sponsorship tiers will be showcased through logo placement on Workshop master slides and hard-copy programs. Complimentary registrations will be included with a sponsorship: Gold (3 people), Silver (2 people) and Bronze (1 person). The Gold and Silver sponsorships include event display or banner space at the venue as well. For more information regarding sponsorship of the upcoming workshop, please email ON@CWRA.org

The following table details the sponsorship categories that will assist in covering a portion of the conference cost and the benefits your organization would receive for its generous support.

Contribution Gold Silver Bronze
$2,250 $1,250 $750
Coffee Break Sponsor/Co-Sponsor
Display space for corporate banner(s)
Complimentary Registration 3 2 1
Logo* in Workshop Program
Logo* and Link on National Website
Logo* on Screen in Room

*Logo size and display space (where applicable) will vary according to Sponsorship level: Gold (large), Silver (medium), Bronze (small).  Display space for the Gold and Silver Sponsor will be located inside the workshop room.

Thank you to our 2025 Climate Change Workshop Sponsors!