January 30, 2024 12PM CT: MB Branch Webinar Series: Overview of the International Red River Watershed Board

 In Archived Event, Archived MB, Archived Online, Archived Webinars, Webinar-Member, Webinar-Member-2024, Webinar-Member-MB Branch

Presenter: Patrick Cherneski (Executive Director, Environment and Climate Change Canada)

This presentation will highlight the more than 20 year history and activities of this Board. Years 2021 and 2022 were years of significant change for the board, and included the addition of Indigenous members, and an updated Directive from the International Joint Commission which broadens the mandate for the Board. This presentation will also cover some of the current research projects, opportunities, challenges and goals going-forward.

This is the third webinar in the 2023-2024 MB Branch webinar series.