MAY 14, 2024,12PM SK TIME: SK BRANCH WEBINAR SERIES: Planet’s Daily Global Scan of Canadian Waters

 In Archived Event, Archived Online, Archived SK, Archived Webinars, Webinar-Member-2024, Webinar-Member-SK Branch

Presenter – Cassidy Rankine, PhD and Chippie Kislik, PhD

Planet scans the entire land mass of the Earth nearly everyday with high resolution multispectral imagery, enabling exciting new opportunities and solving old challenges for sustainable resource management. Now with our growing fleet of 8-band Superdoves in orbit, the launch of our Planetary Variables – daily soil moisture, temperature, crop and forest biomass, and our AI driven analytics for change detection – we have evolved even greater capabilities for a new era of using space to help life on Earth. This talk will focus on how this novel capability is helping government, first nations, and industry manage water resources with greater transparency and efficiency at scale.