Nov 7, 2024: MB Branch: Fish movement in the Red River Basin Webinar

 In Archived Event, Archived MB, Archived Online, Archived Webinars, Webinar-Member-MB Branch

Time: 12 noon – 1 pm CDT

Speaker: Lee Gutowsky (Research Scientist, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

Topic: Fish Movement in the Red River Basin: Implications for Transboundary Conservation and Management

Connectivity is paramount to the health and sustainability of aquatic ecosystems. There are ongoing efforts by Canadian, US, and Provincial researchers to better understand fish movement, restore threatened populations, and improve connectivity in the Red River Basin. This talk describes the Lake Winnipeg Fish Movement Program and Minnesota’s Lake Sturgeon stocking and “Connect the Red” initiatives.

This event is a part of a 6-part webinar series hosted by the CWRA Manitoba Branch. You can register for individual webinar(s) or for the full webinar series below.


Manitoba Branch Webinar Series sponsored by Hatch Ltd.