November 25, 12-1 PM MT: AB Branch Webinar: Alberta Flow Estimation Tool for Ungauged Watersheds (AFETUW) – Chiadih Chang

 In Archived AB, Archived Event, Archived Online

Alberta Environment and Parks developed a new web-based application Alberta Flow Estimation Tool for Ungauged Watersheds (AFETUW) for both government and external stakeholders. This user-friendly tool allows watershed delineation at any point along a stream in the province, querying of water licences issued under the Water Act, and estimation of stream flows in ungauged watersheds to support decisions on new water licence applications and compliance with licence conditions.

AFETUW automates many computational and time intensive processes and provides a practical province-wide approach for management of water resources in the province. It is anticipated that AFETUW will result in significant cost and time savings to government, industry, academia, Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils, engineering consulting companies and other non-government organizations.

AFETUW has been released to the general public since May 2021. The web-based tool can be accessed online at The presentation will includes Introductory slides, an online demo of AFETUW, and Q&A.



CWRA Members: Free

All Students: Free

CWRA Non-Members: $15



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