Jan 30, 2020- Saint John NB: NRCan Flood Mapping Workshop

 In Archived Event, Archived Maritimes, Archived Workshops, Proceedings


Link to Presentations


In consultation with provincial and territorial partners and key stakeholders, the federal government has developed new documents in the Federal Flood Mapping Guidelines Series. These are a series of evergreen guidelines that will help advance flood mapping activities across Canada. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an introduction and overview of the Federal Flood Mapping Guidelines Series documents and recent related activities. This workshop will focus on developments in flood mapping activities and research in Atlantic Canada, including considerations of climate change and stakeholder engagement.

The intent of the workshop is to support engagement and facilitate knowledge sharing between researchers, practitioners, and policy decision-makers in the region for flood delineation and mapping.

Breakfast, lunch, and coffee will be served. This event is hosted free of charge.

Draft Agenda

Time Activity/Talk Topic Presenter
08:00-08:30 Breakfast
08:30-08:45 Welcome



Land Acknowledgement

Michelle Poirier, NRCan

Steve Braun, CWRA National President

08:45-09:30 NRCAN Federal Flood Mapping Guidelines


Strategic Direction of the NRCan Water Program

Michelle Poirier, NRCan


Ed Kennedy, NRCan

09:30-10:20 New Brunswick Flooding- Forecasting and Mapping

Saint John Flood Mapping App

Jasmin Boisvert, NB Department of Environment and Local Government

Yves Leger, City of Saint John

10:20-10:50 Health Break
10:50-12:00 Nova Scotia Coastal Protection Legislation for Flooding and Erosion

National Disaster Mitigation Program

3D Flood Mapping for Risk Communication

Mark Greenwood, Nova Scotia Department of Environment

Paul Ouellette, Public Safety Canada

Barry Stevens, Stevens Solutions

12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:55 NRCAN Feedback Session Group Discussion
2:00-3:00 Climate Change and Flood Mapping, Case study in NL

Climate Change and Flood Mapping


Lindsay Willcott, CBCL Limited

Tim Webster, Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS), Nova Scotia Community College

Morteza Esfandiari, University of New Brunswick

3:00-3:20 Health Break
3:20-4:00 Urban Flood Mapping

Coastal Mapping and Riverine Flooding

Dr. Xander Wang, University of PEI

Dr. Ian Church, University of New Brunswick

4:00-4:30 Mapping Science Questions Group Discussion



The Maritime branch of CWRA, sponsored by Natural Resources Canada, will be hosting this Flood Mapping workshop in Saint John, NB, on January 30, in advance of the “Beyond the Banks” workshop January 31, and the CWRA mid-term meeting February 1. Please consider registering for this event in conjunction with the Beyond the Banks Workshop on January 31st.


If you need to make hotel reservations, a special rate is available for the nights of January 29 and January 30th until January 10th.


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