June 23rd, 2023 7pm EDT: CWRA SYP Webinar: “Women’s Actions on Climate Change through Water Resources Engineering”
CWRA SYP Webinar on “Women’s Actions on Climate Change through Water Resources Engineering”
When: June 23rd, 2023 @ 7 pm – 8:30 pm EDT
Where: Zoom
Presentation #1: Are nature-based solutions practical as climate adaptation practices? – Jennifer Drake
Nature-based solutions (NBS) offer a promising approach to climate adaptation, leveraging natural systems’ resilience to mitigate climate risks. This presentation examines the practicality of NBS as climate adaptation practices by considering their effectiveness, feasibility, and socioeconomic implications. NBS encompass ecosystem restoration, green infrastructure, and sustainable land management. They aim to deliver multiple benefits, such as climate regulation and disaster risk reduction. In the context of urban water management, NBS, particularly low impact development (LID), have gained attention as solutions for addressing urban water management issues, including urban flooding, water scarcity and water quality. However, implementing NBS at scale poses challenges.
This presentation evaluates the practical aspects of implementing NBS in urban water management, drawing insights from research and real-world experiences. It provides a balanced assessment of NBS practicality, emphasizing ecological suitability, long-term effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. Synergies and trade-offs between NBS and conventional approaches are also discussed. NBS holds significant potential as practical and sustainable climate adaptation practices but is unlikely to be a perfect solution. Their success depends on considering ecological, social, and economic factors and understanding their long-term impacts. With informed decision-making and strategic investments, NBS can build resilient communities in the face of climate change.
Presentation #2: Nature-Based Solutions: Small Steps to Foster Broader Change – Amanda Kellett
Nature-based solutions offer an alternative to traditional shoreline protection measures for riverine and coastal systems, with many benefits for climate resilience. While nature-based solutions are being promoted by many government and regulatory agencies, there has yet to be widespread adoption by owners and practitioners. This presentation will review barriers to adoption along with opportunities to reimagine shoreline protection approaches, based on perspective gained while practicing on Georgian Bay and Lake Huron during a period of historic high-water levels and widespread damage to shoreline properties.
Jennifer Drake, Carleton University
Dr. Jenn Drake is an Associate Professor and Professional Engineer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton University. She is the Program Director for the NSERC CREATE Design of Living Infrastructure for Ecosystem Services (DesignLIFES) Network and an expert in stormwater management, low impact development (LID) and green infrastructures. Her work draws heavily on principles of sustainability, best management practices and holistic, interdisciplinary design, and she has made significant contributions that have advanced stormwater design, operations, and maintenance for the unique climate and urban environments of Canadian cities.
Amanda Kellett, P.Eng. Manager – Climate Resilience & Sustainability -Tatham Engineering.
Amanda is a Professional Engineer and Manager of Climate Resilience & Sustainability with Tatham Engineering Limited. Amanda has almost 20 years of experience in the fields of water resources engineering, coastal engineering and climate resilience with a focus on green infrastructure and nature based solutions for protection of coastal and riverine systems. Amanda spent her early career working in the municipal and Conservation Authority realm and has been in the consulting engineering world for the last 17 years. Amanda is committed to the cause of helping women to pursue, and thrive in, the engineering profession and has been active in developing a mentorship program and policies and practices that promote equity and diversity within her company, as well as organizing events for women in engineering and technology with her local PEO chapter and other organizations.
Event Agenda
- 10 mins Event Intro + Land Acknowledgement + Speaker Intro
- 20 mins presentation1
- 20 mins presentation2
- 20 mins Q&A + Panel Discussion
- 10 mins Additional Networking
- 10 mins Concluding Remark + Closing Comments
*This webinar is FREE, but attendees are still required to register through Zoom.
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