March 28, 2024: 1-2PM ET: NRCAN Webinar Series – The New Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN): overview, updates and first whole watershed
Presenter: Colleen Fuss (English)
The new Canadian Hydrospatial Network (CHN) is set to replace the National Hydrographic Network (NHN) for Canada. Designed for improved use in hydrological models, the CHN is analysis ready with full-network traversing ability, and value-added attributes such as stream order. The CHN is also created from higher-resolution source data and better aligned to elevation than the NHN, where possible, and has been streamlined for production and maintenance.
Work is on-going to refine methods and tools for the creation of new (or conversion of existing) hydrological networks including feature extraction, alignment, connection, validation, correction, attribution, and dissemination. Please join us for our presentation which will provide an overview of these topics, as well as the current progress and plans for the future.
For more information on the CHN please visit our website: https://natural-resources.