March 3, 2022 11AM-12PM MT: CANCID Webinar Series: The Alberta Irrigation Modernization (AIM) Program with Chris Gallagher

 In Archived CANCID, Archived Event, Archived Online, Archived Webinars

Time: March 3rd, 11AM-12PM MT/1 – 2PM ET

Please note update to clarify the event timing!

Host: CANCID (Canadian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage)

Speaker: Chris Gallagher

Chris will provide an overview of Alberta’s Irrigation Districts, the practical and economic benefits of irrigation, background on the AIM program rationale, funding profile and timelines, and will get into the types of projects, complete with several examples in the Lethbridge Northern and Bow River Irrigation Districts. Considerations on irrigation expansion are discussed, including how this is achieved within the limits of existing Irrigation District water licenses, and how the AIM program is allowing this process to be accelerated compared to prior funding models.