October 18, 2023 7-8PM ET: SYP Ottawa: Water Talks: What is Hydrospatial?

 In Archived Event, Archived Online, Archived SYP Event, Archived Webinars, Webinar-Member, Webinar-Member-2023, Webinar-Member-SYP

Speaker: Denis Hains

About: This presentation will inform you on what is Hydrospatial, what is the Hydrospatial Movement Club & Community, a group of volunteer professionals dedicated to advancing the use and understanding of their specialized data, information, and knowledge. Their mission? To deepen our understanding of hydrospatial domain, amplify its relevance, and cultivate member collaboration. Water resources, being front and centre of hydrospatial data, information, and knowledge, are going to be emphasized for their crucial role in coastal zones, flooding areas, coastal erosion, marine conservation, resource management, and the sustainable exploration of the many unknown underwater treasures.