2019 Alberta Branch Conference: Alberta’s Water Resources in a Changing World

 In Archived Conferences

April 14-16, 2019

Red Deer, AB

The world is constantly changing. Climate and weather patterns fluctuate as do political ideologies and social pressures. Water is often at the centre of discussions ranging from floods and droughts to concerns regarding water quality and availability through ensuring the sustainability of infrastructure. Navigating these challenges requires input from multidisciplinary teams and data from scientific research.


The CWRA Alberta Branch hosts annual conferences to bring together professionals working on aspects of water-related topics to facilitate collaboration and information exchanges between scientists, researchers, practitioners, managers, stakeholders, and decision-makers. The Alberta Branch of the Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) is issuing this call for abstracts and workshops for the 2019 conference in Red Deer focusing on challenges facing Alberta’s water resources in a changing world.

The 2019 conference is soliciting presentations on the following themes:
● Changes in flood cycles and hydrological patterns
● Evolving water policies and management strategies
● Sustainable and resilient water use
● Water quality, contamination, and consequences
● Infrastructure management and adaptability
● New and emerging tools and technologies (e.g. monitoring, modelling, and other analytical tools)