May 7, 2024: 12 PM CST: CANCID AGM and Webinar: Conservation Drainage
On June 20th, CANCID will host an Irrigation Design workshop in Saskatoon, SK, in conjunction with the
2024 National Conference. This full-day workshop is intended to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the agronomic and technical aspects of designing irrigation infrastructure plans. Five
facilitators from academia, government, and the irrigation industry will cover topics such as: irrigation
methods and water management strategies; system design at the field scale; irrigation districts and
water delivery; operation of reservoirs, canals, and pipelines; process for new irrigation infrastructure
projects; and a case study of Alberta irrigation industry standards. At the end of the day, participants will
have gained a better understanding of fundamental technical concepts along the spectrum of design
applications ranging from on-farm irrigation systems through to large scale water management systems.
The workshop is open to all professionals & students and offer 6 CEUs. For those who are not able to
travel to Saskatoon in June, there is a virtual option to join the workshop.