May 7, 2024: 12 PM CST: CANCID AGM and Webinar: Conservation Drainage

 In Archived CANCID, Archived Event, Archived Online

Winter was almost in the rearview mirror, and preparations for the crop growing season were in full swing all over the country. CANCID, CWRA’s irrigation and drainage affiliate, was planning some agriculture-focused events this spring.

Conservation Drainage was the container term for practices that could reduce nitrate loads on tile-drained soils, for example modifying drainage system design and operation, bioreactors, and drainage water recycling. Dr. Chris Hay (Affiliate Assistant Professor, Iowa State University) discussed his experience with drainage water recycling systems and their impacts on crop yields and water quality in corn production systems in Iowa. When you attended this event, you were to stay for CANCID’s annual general meeting which would be hosted right after the webinar.

On June 20th, CANCID will host an Irrigation Design workshop in Saskatoon, SK, in conjunction with the
2024 National Conference. This full-day workshop is intended to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the agronomic and technical aspects of designing irrigation infrastructure plans. Five
facilitators from academia, government, and the irrigation industry will cover topics such as: irrigation
methods and water management strategies; system design at the field scale; irrigation districts and
water delivery; operation of reservoirs, canals, and pipelines; process for new irrigation infrastructure
projects; and a case study of Alberta irrigation industry standards. At the end of the day, participants will
have gained a better understanding of fundamental technical concepts along the spectrum of design
applications ranging from on-farm irrigation systems through to large scale water management systems.
The workshop is open to all professionals & students and offer 6 CEUs. For those who are not able to
travel to Saskatoon in June, there is a virtual option to join the workshop.