The National Student’s and Young Professionals (SYP) affiliate will be hosting their virtual AGM on June 1 at 5PM ET. Stay tuned for more details, including a video link to join in. See you [...]
AGA de l’ACRH Section Québec: 31 mai, 17 h HE (Pendant la conférence – cette AGA sera ouverte à tous les membres de l’ACRH de la Section du Québec, pas seulement à ceux qui [...]
CANCID will be holding it’s AGM during the national conference. You do not need to be registered for the conference to attend the AGM. Please note the time change from the previous [...]
2:00 PM: Grand River Waste Water Optimization Program – Kelly Hagan P. Eng., Optimization Extension Specialist, GRCA 2:30 PM: Rapid and Simple Cell-based biosensor use in Waste Water Treatment [...]