The AB Branch AGM will be held in-person at the conference venue during the AB Branch Conference this year. Please visit the AB Branch website for more information.
Registration for this event is now closed. Please email the Manitoba Branch if you have any questions. What: Luncheon Presentation and Manitoba AGM When: March 21st, 2023 @ 12 – 2 pm [...]
Online registration for this event has closed, but you can register in-person at the event! Location: Royal City Brewery, 199 Victoria Road South Unit C8 Guelph, ON Come out and celebrate [...]
What: In-Person World Water Day event in Vancouver, BC When: March 22nd, 2023 @ 5:30 – 8 pm PT Where: Vancouver City Hall, 453 W 12th Ave, in the Joe Wai room Please Note: Stall parking is [...]
Veuillez noter que l’heure de cette présentation a changé et qu’elle a été prolongée à 1 h. La présentation dressera un portrait de l’avancement dans la réalisation de la [...]
Please note that this presentation has been extended to 1 hr. The presentation will provide an overview of the progress of the National Elevation Data Strategy. The influence of the flood hazard [...]
What: NRCan Webinar on “Indigenous Engagement in the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program” When: March 30th, 2023 @ 1 pm ET About: Indigenous engagement is critical for [...]
What: NRCan & CWRA Webinar When: March 29th, 2023 @ 12 pm ET About: Federal Land Use Guide for Flood Risk Areas version 1.0: The importance of professional planners working in partnership [...]
What: NRCan Webinar on “Communicating Flood Maps to the Public” When: March 28th, 2023 @ 12 pm ET About: Policy analysts from Natural Resources Canada will present an overview of [...]
CWRA SYP Chapter Retreat! About: Calling all student & young professional chapter leaders across CWRA – let’s get together! We would like to provide a forum for chapter leaders to learn [...]